Friday 3 March 2017



I've been trying to stick to posting only on Wednesdays, but here I am, posting on a Friday. Damn procrastination, no more excuses. Am I the only one who suffers from this "disease"? If you do too
please comment below and make me feel a tad better about myself!

So, this month, February, was actually like my January, It felt like my kickstart to this awesome year, since I was travelling in Jan and in the holiday mood. February brought together so many wonderful things while I also enjoyed the last days of pleasant weather before these humid summer days began. If it's hot now, I can't imagine what May will be like.

Now I'll get to my February favourites. I know about the typo in the artwork, but I'll just use "Favorites" - is the preferred spelling in the US, as an excuse. But I am in India, I know, Haha. I'm loving experimenting with watercolours, can't wait to use them more. Here goes!

1)My parents have been going for a morning walk almost daily since the past three years, and since I am not a morning person I never really managed to get out with them and see what they really do.
This month, I broke my life long habit of sleeping in and woke up and went for that morning walk. I won't say I managed to go every single day but the fact that I did at least four times a week is an achievement. Though I won't pat myself on the back just yet, I need to make this into a never ending habit.

2) The end of this month brought in the carnival in Goa. I did not go to see the carnival floats, though I loved to some years back, but it was just too hot. I did however attend the Samba Square festival three days in a row and made the most of the live music, food (mostly pizza) and drinks. I am quite a home body, so when I do go out and party, you know it is because I really love the atmosphere and vibe. I love Goan festivals, everyone is just so happy!!

3) So THIS was one of my favourite parts of this February! #6daysofillustree started out as a passion project for myself, where I selected a topic a week and made an illustration a day from Monday to Saturday, taking a Sunday break. Two weeks in, I asked people if they would like to join me and the response I got was amazing! I now post a new topic every Sunday at noon and me and some wonderful people draw on the chosen topic every week. If you haven't heard about this and like to draw, PLEASE JOIN! We support and inspire each other through this activity.

4) Participating in flea markets is one of the most fun things ever, because you get to meet new amazing people, who appreciate your art and give you the the most valuable feedback. I made so many new contacts this month, some of them artists themselves and I love discovering new artists and getting to know their work. ( If you are an artist and we haven't connected, feel free to give me a buzz on Facebook :) ) I participated in two flea markets this month, both of which were really amazing.

That's it for February. I just want to say, I've done these posts for two months since I started this blogging adventure and reflecting over the month that went by, celebrating it's highlights while illustrating and writing this post as well is so therapeutic, and makes me appreciate the good things in life even more. :) I felt the past month was super productive work wise and even with regards to my social life. I hope you enjoyed my post where I ramble about my life, and illustrate the highlights.

Stay tuned for more, please follow and share if you like my posts. I wish you lovelies a happy March! :)